List of JavaScript libraries
Constraint programming
DOM (manipulation) oriented
- AnyChart
- D3.js
- FusionCharts
- Highcharts
- EaselJS, part of CreateJS
- JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit
- p5.js
- Pixi.js
- Plotly
- Processing.js
- Raphaël
- SWFObject
- Teechart
- Three.js
- Velocity.js
- Verge3D
- WhitestormJS
- AngularJS (framework)
- Angular (application platform)
- Bootstrap
- DevExtreme of DevExpress
- Dojo Widgets
- Ext JS of Sencha
- ZURB Foundation
- Google's Polymer paper elements
- jQuery UI
- jQWidgets
- Ignite UI of Infragistics
- Kendo UI of Telerik
- Wijmo 5 of GrapeCity
- OpenUI5 of SAP
- qooxdoo
- SmartClient
- React.js
- Webix
- WinJS
No longer actively developed
Pure JavaScript/Ajax
- Google Closure Library
- Joose
- Microsoft's Ajax library
- MochiKit
- PDF.js
- Rico
- Socket.IO
- Spry framework
- Underscore.js
Template systems
Unit testing
- Angular
- Aurelia
- Backbone.js
- Cappuccino
- Chaplin.js
- Echo
- Ember.js
- Enyo
- Ext JS
- Google Web Toolkit
- JavaScriptMVC
- JsRender/JsViews
- Knockout
- Meteor
- Mojito
- MooTools
- Node.js
- OpenUI5 of SAP
- Prototype JavaScript Framework
- React.js
- Rialto Toolkit
- SproutCore
- Vue.js
- Wakanda Framework
See also
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